The Garden of The Mystery of Life
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This Distinction brand intimate garden, located next to the prestigious David statue, offers a mix of memorial property types for both traditional and cremation burial. Organic, curved stone walls guide visitors toward the impressive Mystery of Life statuary group elegantly placed along the back wall of the development. The statue group is comprised of 18 full-size figures and collectively represents the eternal questions surrounding the mystery of life. Sophisticated stone details include light and dark Rosa Aurora marble and Madura Gold granite. Making its debut as our newest property type, are the cremation garden estate. These memorial properties create legacies for families that opt for cremation in a prominent garden setting. Other distinguished memorial properties include a private garden with the elegant Dreamland sculpture, plus several semi-private gardens. Prominence and elegance are on full display in this special garden development.

Property Properties:

Companion garden crypts, niches, semi-private gardens, private garden, & cremation garden estates