Summertime is Lazy Time
Summer is in full swing. There’s so much to do outdoors; the beach, national parks, sitting by a pool. The last thing most of want […] Lea más -
The Fair’s in August
For those who grew up in the Midwest, whenever you said “It’s not fair!” the response from our parents often was, «The only fair’s in […] Lea más -
Documents Needed
When someone passes away, there are dozens of decisions and actions that will have to be handled in the process of saying goodbye. However, there […] Lea más -
Summer of Love – 51 Years Later
It’s hard to believe for those of us who have reached middle age, but the legendary Summer of Love—1967— was 51 years ago. Where does […] Lea más -
56 and Treason: The Declaration of Independence
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines treason as «the betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country, especially by committing hostile acts against […] Lea más -
Distinguished Memorials at Forest Lawn
As we all know, Southern California is a region with semi-arid and even desert-like climate. Having just endured an eight-year-long drought was a sober reminder […] Lea más -
Stay Safe on Social Media
It seems everyone is on social media in some form these days. Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pintrest and other sites, we interact a lot […] Lea más -
Suicide Prevention
Within the span of a week, the world lost two widely admired people with the tragic deaths of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain and fashion designer Kate Spade. Bourdain, […] Lea más -
Tips for a Safe Summer
Summer is here! Backyard barbeques, swimming pools, trips to the beach, fireworks, outdoor activities and much more are all part of our annual rituals of […] Lea más -
Grand Old Flag
June 14 marks the 67th «official» Flag Day observance in the United States. However, the idea of having an annual day to specifically celebrate the […] Lea más