The Write Stuff
“The pen is mightier than the sword.” – Edward Bulwer-Lytton Most of us grew up hearing about and learning the important “3 R’s” of education—reading, […] 了解更多 -
Church of Our Heritage
“Forest Lawn shall become a place…where little churches invite, triumphant in the knowledge that from their pulpits only words of love can be spoken…” —The […] 了解更多 -
Fourth of July
“In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt Our great nation will turn 246 years old […] 了解更多 -
What I Learned from Dad
“My father used to say that it’s never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, ‘You never know what you […] 了解更多 -
Alzheimer’s Awareness
“Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Socrates We first started noticing something was off when Mom was taking […] 了解更多 -
約瑟夫·史特勞斯(Joseph Strauss):金門大橋的總工程師
約瑟夫·史特勞斯(Joseph Strauss):金門大橋的總工程師 當詹姆斯·馬歇爾 (James Marshall) 在加州柯洛馬的蘇特坊 (Sutter’s Mill) 挖出金子後,一股持續數十年的掏金熱潮隨之興起。懷抱著一夕致富的夢想,超過卅萬的掏金客湧入舊金山,開啟了他們在西岸的新生活。很快地,舊金山這個小型的聚落蛻變為繁榮的城市。 舊金山灣區的生意直線成長,但是當時灣區與一水之隔的馬林縣商務往來完全依賴渡船。隨著1920年代汽車大規模問世,建造橋樑連接舊金山與馬林縣的倡議聲量逐日高漲。然而許多專家聲稱,因為長達6,700英呎的海峽自古以來暗潮洶湧,漩渦處處,加上強風濃霧,建橋無異癡人說夢。 儘管如此,在一位知名的工程師主導之下,建橋的工作仍舊啟動。這位工程師徹底改革了跨海吊橋的設計與工法。承接這項艱鉅的任務,他除了要辛苦籌措資金與贏得支持,更要與大自然抗爭,克服諸多的實體挑戰,因為這座橋必須橫跨當時史無前例的距離,豎立在前所未有的高度,還要堅固到能夠承受海洋的巨大力量。 施工期間,發生強震。當時有多人在南塔上工作。根據公視「美國經歷」,一名工人回憶起當時提到,「整個塔向兩側搖晃達16英呎,塔頂上有12還是13個人下不來。當塔搖向大海那一面時,那些人大喊:大伙兒跳罷!可瞬間,塔又搖向灣區陸地這邊。」十分關心工人安全的總工程師於施工期間在橋下安裝了一張網,最後總共挽救了19條性命。 金門大橋於1937年竣工,是全世界跨距最長的吊橋。啟用當天,超過廿萬人以徒步,開車,甚至輪式溜冰鞋全程穿越大橋。 如今,壯觀的金門大橋每年吸引數百萬的遊客與通勤者。總工程師名為約瑟夫·史特勞斯。作為他留給後人的歷史資產,金門大橋儼然已成為美國最具代表性的地標之一。金門大橋落成啟用後才一年,史特勞斯就在洛杉磯安詳地去世了。他與妻子安妮特並鄰的安葬在格蘭岱爾我們福樂紀念公園的大陵墓內。他的墓穴前鑲著一塊銅匾,上面刻著金門大橋。他妻子的墓穴也有一塊與之匹配的銅匾,上面是沒有金門大橋的舊金山灣。 了解更多 -
Memorial Day – History of Taps
Music plays a significant role in most funeral services. Favorite and meaningful songs at celebrations of life reflect the values, interests, and personalities of those […] 了解更多 -
Joseph Strauss’ Bridge
When James Marshall struck gold at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California, it began a movement of people to the Golden State that continued for decades. […] 了解更多 -
Mental Health Awareness Month
“The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower […] 了解更多 -
Mother’s Day Facts
“There is no influence so powerful as that of the mother.” —Sara Josepha Hale This Sunday, May 8 is Mother’s Day, a time where […] 了解更多