Tough Conversations
For most of us, there are some conversations in life that are, well, let’s say, less than comfortable. Maybe it’s the proverbial «birds and the […] Lea más -
Giving Thanks During Sad Times
On Thanksgiving Day, millions of people will gather around their dining room tables to give thanks for all the blessings we enjoy in this life. […] Lea más -
No Man is an Island
“No Man is an Island Entire of Itself.” – John Donne We’ve all heard that phrase, «no man (or woman) is an island,» right? Sure, […] Lea más -
Veterans Day 2019
As a nation, the United States shows its gratitude to the men and women who have served our country for the sake of our freedom […] Lea más -
America’s Favorite Cowboy
There has long been a fascination with a period of American history known as the «Wild West.» It has been the subject of countless movies, […] Lea más -
Great Shakeout
This year’s Fourth of July BBQ’s and celebrations were interrupted by the sobering reminder that we in Southern California live in earthquake country. The earthquakes […] Lea más -
Ongoing Grief
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was a renowned 20th century psychiatrist who pioneered the study of grief. Her groundbreaking book, On Death and Dying, was based on her years […] Lea más -
Tips for Pallbearers
A pallbearer is someone who is chosen, usually by a close family member of the deceased, to help carry the casket at a funeral service. […] Lea más -
Pan de Muerto
Do you have a favorite food—be it a main dish or dessert—that you only enjoy around a certain holiday or special occasion? There’s one such […] Lea más -
Memorable Funeral Tips
The older we get, the more life event ceremonies we attend. School graduations. Baptisms. Bar Mitzvahs. Quinceañeras. Weddings. Even funerals. How many funerals have you […] Lea más