It was just about a year ago when we posted a Reflections blog about September being Emergency Preparedness Month.

Since then, we’ve had several fires in California and the west, including one very close to Los Angeles.  Houston was recently hit by hurricane Harvey, while Florida was under siege by hurricane Irma, with hurricane Maria looming over. Mexico was struck by another earthquake yesterday, this time with a magnitude of 7.1.

So, tell us: did you take the time last year to prepare for a natural disaster?

Ok, we’re not trying to put a guilt trip on you. We know that we all live busy lives and time often gets away from us. But the reality is that we live in an area that is prone to natural disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes and even tsunamis. The question is not if, but when a disaster strikes, will you be prepared?

It is easier than you think to be prepared. There are some excellent free resources available to help you prepare your family in the event of an emergency. Click on the links below and take the important step to get prepared.

Remember, it’s never too early to prepare, but it could be too late.

Are You Ready? An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness – FEMA – Everything from disaster plans to supplies checklist.

Fire Safety Tips – LA County Fire Department

Food & Water in an Emergency

Emergency Survival Program