There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing cemetery property. Things like location, type (ground, crypt, niche, garden, etc.), price, and reputation of the cemetery.


Along with these considerations, one of the most important factors in making this decision is regarding endowment care. Also called “perpetual care,” it is a fund that is set aside to ensure the long-term care and maintenance of the cemetery grounds and mausoleums.


With an adequate and well managed endowment care fund, property owners have the assurance that the memorial property they purchased will be maintained in perpetuity. It covers the maintenance costs of law mowing, landscaping, and facilities maintenance and repairs.


A strong endowment care fund also protects against changes in the economy and enhances the overall value of the cemetery property.


Forest Lawn has one of the largest and longest established endowment care funds in the nation. We are proud to provide our property owners with the most beautifully maintained grounds and facilities. With our immense endowment care, combined with our commitment to service, people who choose Forest Lawn have the peace of mind knowing that their family memorial will look as good tomorrow as it does today.


To learn more about endowment care and cemetery property at Forest Lawn, call 888-204-3131 or visit .