Meet the Master: Michelangelo at Forest Lawn

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was a sculpture, painter, architect, and poet. Working in Florence and Rome, the multi-talented artist was a key figure in the Italian Renaissance. Michelangelo’s work influenced his contemporaries, and it has continued to impact generations of artists. Forest Lawn has long been dedicated to sharing the work of this Renaissance master. From commissioning its first Michelangelo replica in 1924, to new additions to the Court of David in 2021, Forest Lawn’s collection was created to educate and inspire. This exhibit showcases paintings, mosaics, photographs, and, sculptures from our permanent collection.


W. N. Montgomery, Moses the Deliverer, 1952. Pastel and gouache on board, 14.5 x 17 inches. Collection of Forest Lawn Museum.


Matthew Brandt, David 1b, 2020-2022. Marble dust of fallen Michelangelo replica sculpture on roofing paper, 40.25 x 51 inches. Collection of Forest Lawn Museum.