You’ve probably noticed it by now: the malls and shopping centers are busier than usual. The morning commute has gotten longer due to more traffic. The nights are getting a bit shorter and even cooler.  Fall is approaching and it’s back to school time for millions of students of all ages.

For many of us, it means that there are some significant changes in our daily routines. Kids have to be dropped off and picked up from school. For parents with more than one child, this could mean making arrangements at two different schools at different times.  After school activities also means adjustments to our schedule.

Recently, Good Housekeeping magazine ran a story on ways to help get organized to make the transition to the school year smoother.  Here are a few of their tips:

  1. Set a Timer. No one wants to be late on the first day of school. Or any day, for that matter. Set an alarm clock or timer to ring at strategic intervals, like 10 minutes before the bus comes or when your car is leaving.
  2. Organize your backseat.
    Keep often needed and sometimes forgotten items such as tissues, pens or snacks in a stash in the car.
  3. Plan ahead.
    (Of course you knew we’d have this listed:))
    Experts recommend week-at-a-glance planners to teach older children time management. Before starting homework, have kids check their planner, assess their work, and proceed accordingly.
  4. Post the daily routine. Help the kids establish a morning and bedtime schedule with an illustrated checklist that gets displayed proudly on the wall.

 For the complete list of tips, please visit