2020 is a Leap Year, meaning that February will have 29 days instead of its usual 28. We have a Leap Year nearly every four years so that our modern day Gregorian calendar stays aligned with the Earth’s revolutions around the sun.
It actually takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds to make a complete rotation around the sun. Since our calendar only has 365 days, we need to make up for the difference. If we didn’t, in 100 years the calendar would be off my 24 days.
The concept of Leap Year was introduced by Roman general Julius Caesar about 2,000 years ago. Since then, calculating a Leap Year has to meet three criteria: 1) The years can be evenly divided by 4; 2) If the year can be evenly divided by 100 it is not a Leap Year unless 3) The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a Leap Year.
Sound confusing? No worries. Our calendars always get updated and we all get ample notice that we’ve got an extra day in February.

Leap Year 2020 will have an interesting impact on some of our favorite holidays, lining them up quite nicely. For example, Valentine’s Day is on Friday, Feb. 14. Cinco de Mayo is on a Taco Tuesday. Ending the year with back to back three day weekends are Christmas and New Year’s.
So now’s the time to make plans to take advantage of this wonderful alignment of holidays in 2020. Planning ahead will help you create some fun and memorable times to last a lifetime.
And while you’re in the planning mode, keep in mind your estate and memorial plans in case you haven’t done so yet. By doing so, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing that these important matters have been taken care of.
Enjoy your Leap Year!